The Kobayashi User Manual 🐲

Hello, and welcome the user manual for the Kobayashi static website builder! Named after my favorite two-dimensional programmer and written in Haskell, Kobayashi is designed for the creation of simple static websites (like this one!) and consists of the kby markup format which the kobayashi static website builder translates to html files for you to display on the World Wide Web!

All the examples used in the manual can be found on GitHub.

Table of Contents 📚

Getting Kobayashi 🖋️

Currently, GNU/Linux (pick your favorite flavor) and MacOS are the only officially support operating systems. Kobayashi might work on Windows, but it is uncharted territory as of now.

Kobayashi is written in Haskell, and requires version 9.10.1 of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler and version of The Haskell Cabal. Other versions of these libraries could work, but your mileage my vary. The recommend way to install both ghc and cabal is to use the GHCup utility.

The Kobayashi source code is freely available on GitHub and the master branch can be cloned for a stable release. After cloning the source code, simply run cabal update followed by cabal install to build and install the kobayashi site builder on your system!

After that, it's time to build your website!

Hello, Kobayashi! 🙋

As previously mentioned, the content of a Kobayashi site is defined using the kby markup format. kby files end in, you probably guessed it, .kby. The file extension is case-insensitive, but it is important that the file extension of each page on your site contains those three letters. kobayashi will ignore any files given to it that do not end in .kby.

As a very simple example, let us create the classic "hello, world!" example. In a file called hello_world.kby we can put the following.

#Hello, world!

Check out my cool page. 😎

After that, run kobayashi -burl "" build hello_world.kby and watch the magic happen! You'll notice, kobayashi has a lot to say about our simple little file

$ kobayashi build hello_world.kby

kobayashi.toml not found!

[Current Configuration]
Build Directory: "build/"
Assets Directory: "/media/"
Path to CSS: "/style.css"
Path to Favicon: "/favicon.ico"
Navbar: No
Base URL: ""

Starting build of hello_world.kby
Building hello_world.kby...

Finished in 0.0013 sec with 0 error(s).

most of this we can ignore for now, but notice two things:

kobayashi will output the html files for your site in a separate folder called the build directory. This folder is created if it doesn't exist, and by default is just build in the current working directory.

Let us explore what kobayashi cooked up for us,

$ tree build
└── hello_world
    └── index.html

2 directories, 1 file

you'll see that a folder with the name of the original kby file was made, and inside sits a file called index.html which contains the html that was generated. Kobayashi organizes things this way so you can link a specific page on your site by using just the filenames and not having the fumble around with remembering extensions. For example, we could link to our "hello, world!" page with

Finally, let's look at the contents of index.html

$ cat build/hello_world/index.html

<!--Made with ❤️ using Kobayashi:>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

<!-- HTML Metadata ⚙️-->
<title>Hello, world!</title>

<!-- Open Graph Metadata 📊-->
<meta property="og:title" content="Hello, world!" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />

<!-- Twitter Metadata 🕊️-->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Hello, world!" />

<article id="hello-world">
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
Check out my cool page. 😎

As you can see, kobayashi automatically sets some helpful metadata for us, as well as links in a stylesheet (more on this later). This also demonstrates what the # does in kby markup -- it sets the title of the page as well as the main heading! With this simple example under our belt, let's dive a but deeper into the kby spec.

The Anatomy of a kby File 🧬

In its most basic form, a kby file consists of a title followed by a list of block elements. The title is a series of in-line elements prefixed by a # and ended by a newline. For example #Hello, world! was the title of our page in the previous example. In html, the title of a page is used three ways:

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What about block and in-line elements? Well, block elements are elements one would traditionally expect to use the block display mode in html. The block elements in kby are:

Each of these is ended by two newlines. We will explore these more in their own section. As for in-line elements, our star-studded cast is as follows

These also will have their own section coming up soon.

Block Elements 🧱

The first and most basic of the block elements is the paragraph. The paragraph is simply defined as a sequence of in-line elements and plain text ended by two newlines. Making a paragraph is easy, just type out the words! The body of our page in the "hello, world!" example was a paragraph in action. In html, we simply wrapped the content of a paragraph in <p> tags.

Next up, we have bulleted lists! An example of a bulleted list is

some music genres I like:

- j-pop
- midwest emo
- shoegaze
- k-pop
- bitpop

Above, we see a paragraph followed by a bulleted list. Each item in the list is prefixed by a - and can contain any sequence of plain text and in-line elements. In the html, we use the classic <ul> for the whole list and <li> for each item. A given item is ended by a newline, and the entire list is ended by two newlines (one to end the final item, and another to end the list).

At this point it is worth noting that every block element is ended by two newlines, unless it is at the end of the file. If it is the last block element in the file, then no newlines are required (unless your editor does not automatically end files with newlines, than one newline may be required for something like a list).

Next up, code listings! Let's see an example.

def function():
  print("turing could never.")

Code listings are simply blocks that display whatever text is inside them verbatim (with a small exception). You begin a code listing using ``` followed by a newline, and then end it with the same three backticks followed by two newlines. Everything in-between will be translated verbatim into html and wrapped in <pre> and <code> tags (in that order). Well, almost verbatim. One special case to watch out for is if you use three or more ` in a row in your listing. Since this contains the marker that ends a verbatim block, these characters need to be escaped. We will see escaping much more in the section on in-line elements, but it essentially tells kobayashi to interpret a character literally, stripping away any special semantic meaning it use to hold. To escape a backtick, prefix it with a \. So, if you wanted to type ``` you's need to put \`\`\` in your code listing. Also, if you want to include the escape character itself, you will need to escape that too. So to type a \ you will need to use \\.

Onwards now, to block quotes. As always, an example first.

> If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter. ~Mark Twain

Block quotes are best used when you are looking to quote somebody or a text directly. It begins with a >, some number of in-line elements, a ~ and then the author of whatever you are quoting as a series of in-line elements ended by, or course, two newlines. When translated to html, the whole thing is a <div> tag with the class blockquote. Inside this the quote itself is wrapped in <span> tags with the class quote and the author is similarly wrapped in <span> tags with the class author.

The last two elements we will cover are somewhat different from the rest. The first are images. An image in kby markup is a link enclosed in angle brackets ended by two newlines. The link can take two forms, it can either link to an asset or a remote image.

First, let's look at linking to an asset.


The link inside the angle brackets is prefixed by a $/ which is a reference to your project's assets directory. Essentially, this is a folder located somewhere relative to the root of your site that contains all non-kby files relevant to your site (it can also contain kby files, but kobayashi will ignore them). By default, this directory is called media and located at the root of your site. As we will see later, this directory is user-configurable. After placing the $/, you can type the path as you would on any unix-y system. The other option is to link to something remotely. Here is an example.


In the html, kobayashi uses <img> tags for images, and in the case of remote links whatever you type will be used verbatim as the href attribute.

Last, but certainly not least, we have element groups. Among the block elements, these are the biggest outliers and their utility may not be apparent initially. Element groups allow you to group various other block elements and wrap them in <div> tags in the resulting html. An example is as follows.


all of this fun stuff belongs together!

- here is
- a list of fun stuff

a fun bash program:

:(){ :|:& };:


Please do not run the code in the previous example, it may or may not crash your computer... Anyways! Above we grouped together a code listing, a list, and a couple of paragraphs. For groups, you start them by wrapping the name of your group in curly braces. You then do the same thing when you are ready to end your group. This will wrap all the html for the elements in your group in <div> tags with a class name that mirrors the group name. Group names can consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters, _, and -.

In the above example, our group's name is my_group, so all of those elements will be contained in the element <div class="my_group">.

Groups can get very messy very fast. In fact, if you want to melt your brain, you can arbitrarily nest groups inside of each other! Just make sure to properly sequence your starting and ending markers...

Another weird point about groups they are the only block elements that do not need to be ended by a double newline, just a single one will do (or the end of the file).

In-Line Elements 🚢

Another fundamental building block of kby markup is the in-line element! These elements, as you probably guessed, occur on the same line within block elements. Mainly, they are used for different styles of text. Specifically,

It is worth mentioning that bold and italic text can also be nested within each other. Verbatim can also sit within bold and italic text, but not the other way around (i.e. *`bold verb`* => bold verb but `*bold verb*` => *bold verb*).

Another important thing to note is the notion of escape characters. Since the *, /, and ` characters hold special styling information, if you want to display them as part of a sequence of in-line elements. (e.g. in a paragraph) you will need to prefix them with a \ to strip that information away and display them literally. Since the \ also serves a special purpose (stripping away that info), you also need to escape it to type it literally (i.e. \\ => \).

Since verbatim text does not contain any in-line elements, you need not escape the usual styling characters from its contents. However, you will need to escape ` and \.

The last in-line element is one that is fundamental to any website — the hyperlink. Syntactically, links take the following form.


In html, links get implemented with <a> tags. The title portion of the link can be any valid sequence of in-line elements, and is the text that is clickable on the page (i.e. what is wrapped in the <a> tag in html). The href portion is what the link points to, and is used to fill the href attribute in the <a> tag. hrefs come in three main flavors:

Firstly, if the link begins with /, ., .., or # kobayashi will interpret as a link to a page on your site, and give the <a> tag the class local-page All four of these markers carry the same meaning they do in html, mainly:

Next, as with images, links that start with $/ refer to your site's assets directory (where relevant non-kby files are stored). By default, this is a folder called media at the root of your site. These links have the class local-asset.

Finally, links that start with anything else are interpreted as links to remote resources, and have the class remote.

Organizing Your kby With Sections 🗄️

At this point, we have all the building blocks to start creating a cozy little blog! However, it would be nice if we could give our pages a bit more structure... that is where sections come in!

Sections are a construct that allow us to group sequences of block elements into named, linkable groups. They begin on their own line with a @ and then contain a sequence of in-line elements ended by a new line. Let's see an example.

#My cooler site 🔥

Hello! Welcome to my slick blog.

@Awesome Section
Wow, look at how organized I am!

@Awesomer Section
This really does spark joy.

Marie Kondo would be so proud of us right now. If we look at the html generated by this example (sans the <head> boilerplate) we can see what sections are doing.

<article id="my-cooler-site">
<h1>My cooler site 🔥</h1>
Hello! Welcome to my slick blog.
<section id="awesome-section">
<h2>Awesome Section</h2>
Wow, look at how organized I am!
<section id="awesomer-section">
<h2>Awesomer Section</h2>
This really does spark joy.

Several things to note here. Firstly, we can see that each section wraps its contents in <section> tags, that have an id attribute consisting of the alphanumeric text of the title minus any styling information, with spaces replaced by -. The id will also be all lowercase and strip any leading or trailing whitespace. If you want to create a link to a specific section of a page, you can use this id!

You can also see that each section begins with an <h2> tag that contains the text of the section title.

The last important thing to notice is where the sections begin and end. Before the first declaration of a section, the elements are not in any <section> tags. This area is called the anonymous section and is where everything sits by default. A page need not have any sections, but once the first section is declared, everything that follows is a part of that section until a new section is declared. In other words, sections are ended by other sections. It is also worth mentioning that once you leave the anonymous section, there is no way to go back.

Styling With css 🎨

At this point, we are now able write our site using the glorious kby markup, and have kobayashi spit out a bunch of html files for us to display to the world. There is only one problem... we currently have no way to change how our website is displayed, we are stuck with the default styling. Lucky for us, kobayashi gives us the option to specify our own custom css stylesheet!

For the uninitiated, css is a language used to style html elements. Teaching css is out of the scope of this manual, but a great place to get started with css is to read Mozilla's tutorials.

By default, kobayashi looks for a file called style.css at the root of our site. As we will see later in the section on project configuration, this can be changed to wherever your heart desires.

For the html that corresponds to each kby element, see the previous sections on block elements, in-line elements and sections.

Building a Multi-Page Website 📑

So far, we have only seen examples of using kobayashi to build a single kby file. However, kobayashi can build a whole folder of kby files in one go! The secret to this is to simply pass the name of the directory that contains all of the files instead of the path to a specific file.

As we saw earlier, kobayashi will create a folder called build in whatever directory you invoke it from. kobayashi will then replicate the directory structure of the source folder in build, replacing files with their html counterparts as we saw in the "hello, world!" example with one notable exception. Normally, a file called myFile.kby corresponds to myFile/index.html, but if the filename is index.kby it will be translated to index.html in its directory with no extra folder. This is behavior is a must for navigation or home pages.

Project Configuration 🪛

So, we have all the ingredients to build our website with Kobayashi, but what if we don't like the default options? Well, Kobayashi lets you customize several things about your project! The first one being the build directory. By default, the html files for your site are placed in a folder called build, however you can specify what ever output folder you like by passing the -odir option to kobayashi followed by the relative path to your output folder. This path must be relative, otherwise kobayashi will ignore it and use the next choice for the build directory. If the folder does not exist, kobayashi will create it for you (including any missing parent directories)!

In kobayashi, options are placed before the command (build in most cases). To see an example, let's say we wanted to the "hello, world!" example to be built in the folder tmp/hello_world. We would pass this as

$ kobayashi -odir tmp/hello_world build hello_world.kby

If you every forget an option, simply run kobayashi help and the builder will gladly remind you of everything it can do.

Kobayashi will also let you specify custom paths for the assets directory and stylesheet. Instead of being passed via the command line, this are set in a configuration file using toml, specifically version 0.5.0 of the specification. If you are unfamiliar withe toml, check out the offical documentation.

By default, kobayashi will look for a file called kobayashi.toml in the current working directory. You can also specify the path to a different file using the -cfg option. A typical configuration file looks like this

build_dir = "build"
assets_dir = "/media"
css_path = "/style.css"
favicon_path = "/favicon.ico"
base_url = ""

As you can see, you can also specify the build directory here. The main table must be called project, and the keys are pretty self-explanatory. As usual, a couple things to note here.

That second one is a bit of a lie. They must be absolute paths where / represents the build directory of your site. As an example, if I want my site's assets directory to be build/stuff I would set assets_dir to /stuff.

If either of these criteria is not met, kobayashi will ignore that key in the toml file and use the default. Each time it runs, kobayashi will begin by displaying the current configuration information so you can verify everything is correct.

The last thing to talk about in terms of configuration is precedence. kobayashi will first use any of the options passed to it via the command line, then check the configuration file, and lastly fill in with defaults.

Adding a Navigation Bar 🧭

An important piece of many websites is having a navigation bar (navbar) on top. In Kobayashi, navbars are optional and will appear below the title of the page. The contents of the navbar are specified within the [project] table in the toml configuration file as a list of tables with the navbar key. An example is as follows,

navbar = [ { name = "home 🏠", src = "/" }
         , { name = "my cool music 🎷", src = "/music" }

Each table has two keys, the first being name, which is what text is displayed in the navbar for that link. This can be any valid sequence of in-line elements. The second is src, which is the URL the link will take the user to when clicked. This can be any URL valid within a kby link.

In terms of html, the contents of the navbar is a set of <ul> tags where each <li> contains an <a> corresponding to a link in the navbar. The whole <ul> is wrapped in <nav> tags for accessibility and ease of styling.

Preview Generation 🏭

Kobayashi has the capability to add metadata to your page that various websites can use to generate previews of your site when it is linked on social media sites and in messages using the OpenGraph specification as well as Twitter's Card specification. For both of these, we have the option of adding a description and preview image. An example of how we might specify these is as follows.

# The Kobayashi User Manual 🐲
# IMAGE: $/previews/kobayashi_manual.png
# DESC: Conquer the web with Kobayashi, the internet's most draconic static site builder! 🐉

First, the # IMAGE: directive must follow immediately after the title declaration, and point to a valid URL (anything that is valid in a link is valid here). Kobayashi with use the supplied base URL (see the hello, kobayshi! example for more details on this) to make this an absolute link as per the requirements of the OpenGraph spec.

Right after the #IMAGE: directive, you may use the #DESC: directive to specify a short description of your site. This is interpreted as raw text, can be multiple lines, and is ended by (you probably guessed it) two newlines!

Conclusion 🎉

With that, we have reached the end of our journey together. You are now ready to conquer the internet using Kobayashi!

If you are looking for a more elaborate example of using Kobayashi to build something, look no further than my blog.

Found a bug? Please report it by opening a GitHub issue.

Happy building! 🍻